The Formula for Getting Service Horribly Wrong (Ep 206)

Roger tells an almost unbelievable story of poor service that should open any operator's eyes.
The clip highlights the fact that what your employees say & do can absolutely sabotage your business - so hire and train accordingly...
FYI: This is a short snippet from a recent webinar we hosted "Maximize Your Restaurant’s Opportunities, Sales & Profits in 2024" -- Members have full access to this content packed 90 minute thousands of other resources for restaurant operators -- JOIN NOW @ 40% OFF PLUS A BIG BONUS!
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Roger Beaudoin is the owner of Restaurant Rockstars, which specializes in profit maximizing systems for restaurants. His flagship product SALES STARS is an online server training program proven to increase sales and elevate guest service. To learn more about the sales & training techniques Roger used to ring over a $1 million in just 4 months at his seasonal restaurant visit the site.
Be sure to check out these resources from Roger...