Restaurant Leasing Tips to Make or Break Your Business (Ep 37)

There are things that you just don't want to get wrong!
Your restaurant lease is one of those things...
Unfortunately, it's common for restaurant operators to make mistakes when it's time to negotiate their lease or lease renewal.
I talk with Dale Willerton, The Lease Coach, about a number of key restaurant leasing tips that can absolutely make or break your business.
We hit on...
- What the right time is to start the lease renewal process
- The types of bad decisions restaurants make when negotiating their lease
- How not to get bitten by the permitted use clause
- Why it's critical to read every detail of your exclusivity clause
- Why you can't "read" stuff into the agreement
- The need to be careful when working with a real estate agent
- How to watch out for the "landlord gotchas" when doing a restaurant lease
- The possible problems with a letter of intent
- The danger of lease guarantees - and how to get it right
- Site selection tips and advice
- Plus Dale offers you a free copy of his book -- listen in for how to ask for your copy!!!
- Bonus tip from Dale about Jim Rohn being a business role model to help grow any business.
Listen, surprises in a restaurant business can have an incredibly negative impact.
Surprises in your lease can shut you down...
Make a strong lease the solid foundation of your restaurant business...
Dale Willerton - The Lease Coach is a Commercial Lease Consultant who work exclusively for tenants. Dale is professional speaker and co-author of Negotiating Commercial Leases & Renewals For Dummies (Wiley, 2013). Got a leasing question? Need help with your new lease or renewal? Call 1-800-738-9202, e-mail or visit